Misinformation about polyvinyl chloride, known as PVC or vinyl, in healthcare and beyond is widespread. While NGOs often lead these narratives, other voices also contribute to spreading misconceptions. This page separates fact from fiction, debunking common myths with the latest evidence and research.
“The use of PVC-free materials such as silicone, polyolefins, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyurethane represent a more precautionary approach. Using these substances where possible and appropriate reduces the use of potentially harmful plasticisers or additives and reduces the hazards associated with producing, using, and disposing of PVC medical devices.”
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2023). Towards PVC-free healthcare: Reducing environmental impact and exposure to harmful chemicals. https://global.noharm.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/7382/2023-05-Towards-PVC-free-healthcare_0.pdf. p. 19
The claim that PVC-free materials represent a more precautionary approach in healthcare overlooks the progress and advantages associated with modern polyvinyl chloride (PVC or vinyl) medical devices.
Over the past decades, the vinyl industry has undergone a significant transformation, addressing concerns about production, additives, and end-of-life.
According to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), risks from PVC production are appropriately managed. The agency also finds that modern municipal waste incineration plants can process PVC waste as safely as other common waste types, without issues related to dioxins or acid gases. Pilot projects also demonstrate the safe recycling of PVC medical devices into durable healthcare applications such as wall covering.
DEHP-free PVC solutions are now available, meeting stringent safety and quality standards for healthcare applications.
PVC stands out for its unique combination of flexibility, durability, and adaptability, which make it ideal for critical medical applications such as IV bags, tubing, and containers. These characteristics are challenging to replicate in alternative materials without introducing new technical or safety issues. Hospitals and healthcare providers have reported performance challenges with some alternatives, such as issues with shape retention and durability during freezing and thawing cycles, which are critical for certain medical procedures.
Furthermore, transitioning away from PVC entirely can result in supply chain disruptions, validation challenges, significant cost increases in medical devices, and a potential reduction in access to essential healthcare products. For instance, PVC remains the only material approved for use in blood bags due to its unique properties, enabling the separation of blood components essential for life-saving treatments and medications. Additionally, PVC allows red blood cells to be stored for up to 49 days, a critical advantage for blood banks that rely on extended storage, particularly for rare blood types often found among minority populations.
Studies have also highlighted the risk of regrettable substitution when alternatives introduce their own health or environmental risks, which require careful evaluation. For instance, the classified phthalate DIBP has been shown to migrate from PP- and PE-based products. It is possible that the DIBP originate from the catalyst mixture used in the production of these polymers.
American National Red Cross. (n.d.). Diversity in blood types. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types/diversity.html
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives. https://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/17233/rest_pvc_investigation_report_en.pdf
European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, (2022). The use of PVC (poly vinyl chloride) in the context of a non-toxic environment: final report, Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2779/375357
PlastChem (2024). State of the science on plastic chemicals. https://plastchem-project.org
Tegengif. (2024). Report on plastic drinking bottles. https://www.tegengif.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/report_plastic_drinking_bottles_2024.pdf
"PVC use in medical devices is known to carry health risks, and some alternatives have been designed, including PVC-free blood bags."
Health Care Without Harm. (2022). Plastics and health - An urgent environmental, climate and health issue. https://noharm-global.org/plastics_and_health, p. 7
PVC has been used for over 70 years in medical devices with no adverse effects observed.
PVC remains the only material that can meet the strict requirements for blood bags. These requirements ensure that the red blood cells can be stored for up to 49 days, which is crucial for patient safety – in particular for patients with rare blood types.
Commission Directive 2004/33/EC, Annex IV, L 91/35, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:091:0025:0039:EN:PDF
Stanworth, S. J., New, H. V., Apelseth, T. O., Brunskill, S., Cardigan, R., Doree, C., Germain, M., Goldman, M., Massey, E., Prati, D., Shehata, N., So-Osman, C., & Thachil, J. (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply and use of blood for transfusion. The Lancet Haematology, 7(10), e756-e764. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3026(20)30186-1
"Most vinyl chloride is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, which poses significant health and environmental problems that have been known for over 50 years."
Enck, J. (14 December, 2023). EPA Begins Process to Prioritize Five Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under Toxic Substances Control Act. Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-begins-process-prioritize-five-chemicals-risk-evaluation-under-toxic-substances
PVC is inert and non-toxic. This challenges the perception of PVC as inherently harmful. The European Chemicals Agency has noted that PVC production in Europe has significantly evolved, thanks to stringent environmental regulations and advancements in manufacturing technologies. This evolution has led to a substantial reduction in the environmental and health risks historically associated with PVC production.
Modern PVC production methods in Europe have been refined to substantially reduce the generation of hazardous by-products. Compliance with the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents (BREFs) has led to significant reductions in emissions. The industry has implemented effective measures to limit the formation and release of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), and strict safety protocols are in place for managing Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) and Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) to ensure their safe conversion into PVC.
Since 1995, members of the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) have been actively engaged in reducing environmental impacts. Voluntary charters exceed EU BAT reference standards, regulating releases of VOCs, EDC, VCM, dioxins, and hydrochloric acid in VCM and PVC production.
Through VinylPlus, the European PVC industry has made a targeted effort to substitute unwanted additives in the last two decades. As a result, replacement of lead-based stabilisers was completed in 2015, and low molecular weight phthalates have been substituted to nearly 100% by safe alternatives.
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). ECHA identifies risks from PVC additives and microparticle releases. https://echa.europa.eu/-/echa-identifies-risks-from-pvc-additives-and-microparticle-releases
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives. https://echa.europa.eu/en/completed-activities-on-restriction
European Chemicals Agency. (n.d.). Substance information for 1,2-dichloroethane. https://echa.europa.eu/substance-information/-/substanceinfo/100.003.145
European Chemicals Agency. (n.d.). Substance information for Chloroethylene. https://echa.europa.eu/substance-information/-/substanceinfo/100.000.756
The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers. (2019). ECVM Industry Charter for the Production of Vinyl Chloride Monomer and PVC. https://pvc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/ECVM-charter-pages.pdf
European Commission. (2014). Best available techniques (BAT) reference document for the production of chlor-alkali. https://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference
OECD. (2009). ENV/JM/MONO(2009)1. Data Analysis of the Identification Of Correlations Between Polymer
Characteristics and Potential for Health or Ecotoxicological Concern. https://www.oecd.org/env/ehs/risk-assessment/42081261.pdf
"Some materials, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are not considered as eco-friendly as it is made by a chemical reaction, between chlorine, carbon, and ethylene, and causes the release of harmful chemicals, which harms the environment."
Olivia Friett (2022): Editor's Comment: Green and Bear It. Medical Plastics News International - Europe edition - Oct/Nov/Dec 2022. https://www.medicalplasticsnews.com/medical-plastics-resources/medical-plastics-news-europe/medical-plastics-news-international-europe-edition-octnov-de. P. 7
PVC is made from 57% chlorine and only 43% ethylene. Eco-profiles show PVC uses less fossil-based feedstock – oil or gas – than other plastics like HDPE, LDPE and PP. Further, bio-attributed and bio-circular PVC, where the ethylene is derived from fossil-free feedstock on a mass balance concept, as well as non fossil-based PVC additives and compounds are also available on the market thanks to innovation by the industry.
According to the European Chemicals Agency, "the risks from PVC resin to workers and the environment are considered adequately controlled with the current operational conditions and companies’ safety measures."
This statement not only highlights the effectiveness of current safety measures but also underscores the industry's commitment to environmental stewardship. It reflects the significant evolution of PVC production in Europe, driven by stringent environmental regulations and advancements in manufacturing technologies, as well as proactive efforts by the industry itself to minimise environmental impact and safeguard workers.
Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) for the Production of Chlor-alkali published in December 2014 by the European Commission, pursuant Article 13(6) of the Directive 2010/75/EU on Industrial Emissions (IED). https://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). ECHA identifies risks from PVC additives and microparticle releases. https://echa.europa.eu/-/echa-identifies-risks-from-pvc-additives-and-microparticle-releases
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives. https://echa.europa.eu/en/completed-activities-on-restriction
The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (2019). ECVM Industry Charter for the Production of Vinyl Chloride Monomer and PVC. https://pvc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/ECVM-charter-pages.pdf
Plastics Europe. (n.d.). Eco-profiles set. https://plasticseurope.org/sustainability/circularity/life-cycle-thinking/eco-profiles-set
"... [PVC] is often only usable with the aid of toxic additives and cannot be recycled."
Stringer, R. (2023). Over the years... [LinkedIn post]. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ruth-stringer-1692621b_in-the-wake-of-the-recent-train-derailment-activity-7034572136056770560-YHaO
Through VinylPlus, the European PVC industry has made a targeted effort to substitute unwanted additives in the last two decades. As a result, replacement of lead-based stabilisers was completed in 2015, and low molecular weight phthalates such as DEHP have been substituted to nearly 100% by safe alternatives.
Furthermore, the Additive Sustainability Footprint® (ASF) methodology has been developed to proactively assess and promote the sustainable production and use of PVC additives throughout entire product lifecycles, including the roles of additives in the performance of PVC products. ASF is a science-based methodology that has been peer-reviewed by LCA experts and validated.
PVC can be recycled several times without losing its technical properties. This is possible because the recycling process does not measurably decrease the chain length of PVC molecules.
Since 2000, more than 8.8 million tonnes of PVC have been recycled in Europe through VinylPlus. Since 2022, this also includes PVC medical devices, which are collected and recycled through VinylPlus Med. The VinylPlus PharmPack project is engaged in demonstrating the recyclability of PVC-based pharmaceutical blister packaging. All recycling figures are validated by third party.
Everard, M., & Blume, R. (2019). Additive Sustainability Footprint: Rationale and pilot evaluation of a tool for assessing the sustainable use of PVC additives. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 26(2), 196–208. https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.21733
Fumire, J. & Tan, S.R. (2012). How much recycled PVC in PVC pipes? Plastic Pipes Conference XVI, Barcelona. https://pvc.org/how-much-recycled-pvc-in-pvc-pipes
Leadbitter, J., & Bradley, J. (1997). Closed Loop Recycling Opportunities for PVC. IPTME Symposium, Loughborough University, 3-4 November 1997. https://pvc.org/closed-loop-recycling-opportunities-for-pvc
VinylPlus. (2021): Progress Report 2021, https://vinylplus.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VinylPlus-Progress-Report-2021_WEB_sp-1.pdf
VinylPlus. Additive Sustainability Footprint, https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/our-contribution-to-sustainability/additive-sustainability-footprint
VinylPlus. (2022). Progress Report 2023. https://www.vinylplus.eu/our-achievements/progress-report-2023
VinylPlus. (2022). VinylPlus® Med Accelerates Sustainability in Healthcare. http://vinylplusmed.eu
VinylPlus. (n.d.) VinylPlus PharmPack. https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/vinylplus-pharmpack
"When recycling PVC, the toxic chemicals will remain in the new products."
Health Care Without Harm Europe (2022): Training on Circular Economy in Healthcare, Bristol, 9-10 November 2022
Legacy additives is an issue for many materials, not only PVC. However, the PVC industry has taken a proactive approach in the recycling of medical devices. Through partnerships with start-ups, a Near Infrared (NIR) scanner has been developed, which is used to sort out the DEHP-containing waste. This ensures that only REACH-compliant PVC is recycled. The scanner can be used on many other waste fractions.
VinylPlus (n.d.). VinylPlus® Med Accelerates Sustainability in Healthcare. http://vinylplusmed.eu
"PVC's versatility ... is only due to the many, various additives used. Often toxic and used in high concentrations, these additives provide the desired characteristics for the products’ application e.g. rigidity/flexibility or opaque/transparent. Achieving the desired functionality of PVC products is therefore associated with serious chemical risk."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf, p. 6
Through VinylPlus, the European PVC industry has made a targeted effort to substitute unwanted additives in the last two decades. As a result, replacement of lead-based stabilisers was completed in 2015, and low molecular weight phthalates have been substituted to nearly 100% by safe alternatives.
Furthermore, the Additive Sustainability Footprint® (ASF) methodology has been developed to proactively assess and promote the sustainable production and use of PVC additives throughout entire product lifecycles, including the roles of additives in the performance of PVC products. ASF is a science-based methodology that has been peer-reviewed by LCA experts and validated.
VinylPlus (2021): Progress Report 2021, https://vinylplus.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VinylPlus-Progress-Report-2021_WEB_sp-1.pdf, p. 12
VinylPlus: Additive Sustainability Footprint, https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/our-contribution-to-sustainability/additive-sustainability-footprint
Everard, M., & Blume, R. (2019). Additive Sustainability Footprint: Rationale and pilot evaluation of a tool for assessing the sustainable use of PVC additives. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 26(2), 196–208. https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.21733
"PVC is the least recyclable of all plastics ... When the [PVC] plastic is recycled more than two or three times, its quality becomes so poor that it is no longer usable."
Health Care Without Harm Europe (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf. P. 21 & 29
PVC can be several times without losing its technical properties. This is possible because the recycling process does not measurably decrease the chain length of PVC molecules.
Since 2000, more than 8.8 million tonnes of PVC have been recycled in Europe through VinylPlus. Since 2022, this also includes PVC medical devices, which are collected and recycled through VinylPlus Med. The VinylPlus PharmPack project is engaged in demonstrating the recyclability of PVC-based pharmaceutical blister packaging. All recycling figures are validated by third party.
Fumire, J. & Tan, S.R. (2012). How much recycled PVC in PVC pipes? Plastic Pipes Conference XVI, Barcelona. https://pvc.org/how-much-recycled-pvc-in-pvc-pipes
Leadbitter, J., & Bradley, J. (1997). Closed Loop Recycling Opportunities for PVC. IPTME Symposium, Loughborough University, 3-4 November 1997. https://pvc.org/closed-loop-recycling-opportunities-for-pvc
VinylPlus (2024). Progress Report 2024. https://www.vinylplus.eu/our-achievements/progress-report-2023
VinylPlus (n.d.). VinylPlus® Med Accelerates Sustainability in Healthcare. http://vinylplusmed.eu
VinylPlus. (n.d.) VinylPlus PharmPack. https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/vinylplus-pharmpack
"Safer alternatives are already available for virtually all uses of PVC."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf, p. 2
In several critical healthcare applications, PVC is the only material that meet the strict performance and safety requirements. An example is blood bags, where only PVC allows for storage of red blood cells for up to 49 days. The long storage time is essential for the blood supply, particularly for patients with rare blood types.
In addition, alternative materials are often much more expensive than PVC. According to the European Commission, a price increase for medical devices of up to 30% can be expected if PVC is replaced by alternatives. Such as steep price increase would make access to quality healthcare less inclusive and have negative consequences for Europe's patient safety.
A shift to other materials may most likely result in regretful substitution. Medical equipment is the result of very sophisticated engineering, where many materials are tried and tested before the final product can be introduced on the market. If medical device designers choose PVC for a specific application, it is because only this plastic meets the functional requirements. Without PVC, manufacturers would thus not be able to deliver a wide range of medical devices that save lives everyday.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, (2022). The use of PVC (poly vinyl chloride) in the context of a non-toxic environment: final report, Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2779/375357. p. 278; 295-296
"For successful recycling, PVC products need to be 'super-separated' by product type to keep them from going to an incinerator or landfill."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf, p. 20
Successful mechanical recycling of all plastics depend on correct sorting at polymer level.
The PVC industry is leading the way: with the successful VinylPlus programme, the PVC industry has already recycled 8.8 million tonnes of PVC since 2000. Moreover, the VinylPlus 2030 commitment is to achieve at least 900,000 tonnes and 1 million tonnes per year of recycled PVC used in new products by 2025 and 2030, respectively.
Further, real-world projects in Europe demonstrate that REACH compliant single-use PVC medical devices can be turned into durable wall covering for hospitals.
VinylPlus. (2024). Progress Report 2024. https://www.vinylplus.eu/our-achievements/progress-report-2023
"In most of the world, the PVC production process combines ethylene – obtained from cracking naphtha or natural gas – and chlorine to produce ethylene dichloride (EDC). This is then converted to vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), and highly toxic waste is produced in the process: for every tonne of EDC an approximate four kilograms of by-products are produced, which contain persistent toxic chemicals. This includes several organochlorine chemicals that are recognised as persistent organic pollutants (POPs): dioxins, furans, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB). Finally, vinyl chloride (which is highly toxic, flammable, and carcinogenic) monomer, is polymerised into PVC."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf, p. 9
According to the European Chemicals Agency, "the risks from PVC resin to workers and the environment are considered adequately controlled with the current operational conditions and companies’ safety measures."
This statement not only highlights the effectiveness of current safety measures but also underscores the industry's commitment to environmental stewardship. It reflects the significant evolution of PVC production in Europe, driven by stringent environmental regulations and advancements in manufacturing technologies, as well as proactive efforts by the industry itself to minimise environmental impact and safeguard workers.
This progress challenges the earlier perceptions that PVC production inherently leads to the creation of large quantities of highly toxic waste, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as dioxins, furans, PCBs, and HCB.
Key aspects of the evolution include:
Advanced Production Techniques: Modern PVC production methods in Europe have been refined to substantially reduce the generation of hazardous by-products. The industry has made notable strides in decreasing the environmental impact associated with the production of ethylene dichloride (EDC) and vinyl chloride monomer (VCM).
Regulatory Compliance and Emission Reductions: Compliance with the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents (BREFs) has led to significant reductions in hazardous emissions.
Control of POPs: The industry has implemented effective measures to limit the formation and release of POPs. Continuous monitoring ensures compliance with safety thresholds.
Safe Handling of VCM and EDC: Strict safety protocols are in place for managing VCM and EDC, to ensure their safe conversion into PVC and minimise associated risks.
Environmental Stewardship: Commitment to environmental stewardship is a hallmark of the European PVC industry, underscored by continuous improvement in environmental performance and investment in research and development.
Importantly, the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers' members had already initiated proactive environmental measures as early as 1995, signing voluntary charters to regulate environmental releases of VOCs, EDC, VCM, dioxins, and hydrochloric acid during the handling and production of VCM and PVC. These charters, regularly updated, have consistently set standards exceeding those outlined in EU BAT reference documents.
This comprehensive approach demonstrates the European PVC industry's commitment to mitigating environmental and health risks.
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). ECHA identifies risks from PVC additives and microparticle releases. https://echa.europa.eu/-/echa-identifies-risks-from-pvc-additives-and-microparticle-releases
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives. https://echa.europa.eu/en/completed-activities-on-restriction
European Chemicals Agency. (n.d.). Substance information for 1,2-dichloroethane. https://echa.europa.eu/substance-information/-/substanceinfo/100.003.145
European Chemicals Agency. (n.d.). Substance information for Chloroethylene. https://echa.europa.eu/substance-information/-/substanceinfo/100.000.756
The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers. (2019). ECVM Industry Charter for the Production of Vinyl Chloride Monomer and PVC. https://pvc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/ECVM-charter-pages.pdf
European Commission. (2014). Best available techniques (BAT) reference document for the production of chlor-alkali. https://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference
"The results of the comparison showed that the substitution of PVC bags by polyolefin-based polymers greatly reduced the chemical footprint of the products."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2021). The polyvinyl chloride debate: Why PVC remains a problematic material. https://noharm-europe.org/sites/default/files/documents-files/6807/2021-06-23-PVC-briefing-FINAL.pdf, p. 20
The concept of "chemical footprint" is broad and somewhat vague, encompassing various aspects such as the types and quantities of chemicals used, their environmental and health impacts, and the overall sustainability of the materials.
Recent studies indicate that while substituting PVC with polyolefin-based polymers may address certain concerns, it introduces new complexities. Through initiatives like VinylPlus, the PVC industry has made significant progress in reducing its chemical footprint by substituting hazardous substances such as low molecular weight phthalates and lead with safer alternatives. Additionally, VinylPlus' Additive Sustainability Footprint® methodology, a peer-reviewed and validated science-based approach, aids in sustainable PVC additive production and use, considering their roles in PVC products throughout their lifecycle.
This challenges the simplified view of PVC's health and environmental impact and underscores the need for a holistic approach to evaluating the chemical footprint of plastics.
United Nations Environment Programme & Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. (2023). Chemicals in plastics: A technical report. https://www.unep.org/resources/report/chemicals-plastics-technical-report
VinylPlus. (2021). Progress Report 2021. https://vinylplus.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VinylPlus-Progress-Report-2021_WEB_sp-1.pdf, p. 12
VinylPlus. (n.d). Additive Sustainability Footprint. https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/our-contribution-to-sustainability/additive-sustainability-footprint
Wiesinger, H., Wang, Z., & Hellweg, S. (2021). Deep dive into plastic monomers, additives, and processing aids. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(13), 9339–9351. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c00976
"The EU’s zero-pollution and non-toxic ambitions cannot be met with PVC."
Health Care Without Harm Europe. (2023). Why PVC remains a problematic material... [LinkedIn post]. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/health-care-without-harm-europe_why-pvc-remains-problematic-material-activity-6987771921496993792-nNwf
PVC is an inert and non-toxic material.
According to the European Chemicals Agency, PVC production in Europe has significantly evolved, particularly in response to stringent environmental regulations and advancements in manufacturing technologies. This progress challenges the earlier perceptions that PVC production inherently leads to the creation of large quantities of highly toxic waste.
European Chemicals Agency. (2023). Investigation report on PVC and PVC additives. https://echa.europa.eu/en/completed-activities-on-restriction
OECD. (2009). ENV/JM/MONO(2009)1. Data Analysis of the Identification Of Correlations Between Polymer
Characteristics and Potential for Health or Ecotoxicological Concern. https://www.oecd.org/env/ehs/risk-assessment/42081261.pdf
"The ‘dirty quartet’, formed by the polluting PVC, PC, PS and PUR, should be gradually phased out, considering their impractical polymer behaviour and need for compatibilisers, multiple treatment steps to actually be recycled, lack of separate collection infrastructure, high potential for leaching chemicals throughout their lifecycle, and more."
ECOS. (2022): Falling into place: what future for plastic recycling in a circular and toxic-free economy? https://ecostandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ECOS-RPa-PAPER-PLASTIC-RECYCLING.pdf, p. 7
PVC is an inert and non-toxic material.
Through VinylPlus, the European PVC industry has made a targeted effort to substitute unwanted additives in the last two decades. As a result, replacement of lead-based stabilisers was completed in 2015, and low molecular weight phthalates have been substituted to nearly 100% by safe alternatives.
Further, the Additive Sustainability Footprint® (ASF) methodology has been developed to proactively assess and promote the sustainable production and use of PVC additives throughout entire product lifecycles, including the roles of additives in the performance of PVC products. ASF is a science-based methodology that has been peer-reviewed by LCA experts and validated.
PVC can be recycled several times without losing its technical properties. This is possible because the recycling process does not measurably decrease the chain length of PVC molecules.
Since 2000, more than 8.8 million tonnes of PVC have been recycled in Europe through VinylPlus. Since 2022, this also includes PVC medical devices, which are collected and recycled through VinylPlus Med. The VinylPlus PharmPack project is engaged in demonstrating the recyclability of PVC-based pharmaceutical blister packaging. All recycling figures are validated by third party.
OECD (2009): ENV/JM/MONO(2009)1. Data Analysis of the Identification Of Correlations Between Polymer
Characteristics and Potential for Health or Ecotoxicological Concern. https://www.oecd.org/env/ehs/risk-assessment/42081261.pdf. P. 11
VinylPlus (2021): Progress Report 2021, https://vinylplus.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VinylPlus-Progress-Report-2021_WEB_sp-1.pdf, p. 12
VinylPlus: Additive Sustainability Footprint, https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/our-contribution-to-sustainability/additive-sustainability-footprint
Everard, M., & Blume, R. (2019). Additive Sustainability Footprint: Rationale and pilot evaluation of a tool for assessing the sustainable use of PVC additives. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 26(2), 196–208. https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.21733
Fumire, J. & Tan, S.R. (2012). How much recycled PVC in PVC pipes? Plastic Pipes Conference XVI, Barcelona. https://pvc.org/how-much-recycled-pvc-in-pvc-pipes
Leadbitter, J., & Bradley, J. (1997). Closed Loop Recycling Opportunities for PVC. IPTME Symposium, Loughborough University, 3-4 November 1997. https://pvc.org/closed-loop-recycling-opportunities-for-pvc
VinylPlus (2024). Progress Report 2024. https://www.vinylplus.eu/our-achievements/progress-report-2023
VinylPlus (n.d.). VinylPlus® Med Accelerates Sustainability in Healthcare. http://vinylplusmed.eu
VinylPlus. (n.d.) VinylPlus PharmPack. https://www.vinylplus.eu/sustainability/vinylplus-pharmpack
"Four types of plastics are particularly hazardous for health: polyurethane (PUR), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polycarbonate (PC) and polystyrene (PS)."
ECOS (2021): Too good to be true? A study of green claims on plastic products. https://ecostandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ECOS-RPa-REPORT-Too-Good-To-Be-True.pdf. P. 22
PVC is an inert and non-toxic material.
OECD (2009): ENV/JM/MONO(2009)1. Data Analysis of the Identification Of Correlations Between Polymer
Characteristics and Potential for Health or Ecotoxicological Concern. https://www.oecd.org/env/ehs/risk-assessment/42081261.pdf. P. 11