PVCMed Alliance is The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers'​ value chain platform to raise awareness and promote informed decisions about the use of PVC in healthcare. The Alliance was established in 2012.

Our vision

The vision that informs PVCMed Alliance’s work is of a healthcare environment that best benefits patients and healthcare professionals. Such an environment offers the finest PVC-based products and applications with the required properties and excellence needed to provide top quality healthcare while being increasingly sustainable.

Our mission

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Represent the PVC resin & plasticiser producers and PVC converters

active in healthcare applications
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Proactively engage in PVC & healthcare related debates

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Encourage recycling activities

for PVC-based healthcare waste
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Communicate about PVC healthcare applications

and their fundamental role in the quality of healthcare, safety and cost-efficiency
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Provide a focal point for information and dialogue

with healthcare professionals and managers, medical device companies and regulators

Meet the team

If you are interested in supporting the PVCMed Alliance or would like to receive more information, please contact info@pvcmed.org.


Part of the ECVM family

PVCMed Alliance is organised under the umbrella of the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM). ECVM represents the seven leading European PVC resin manufacturers, accounting for around 85% of the PVC resin manufactured in Europe.

ECVM is a division of PlasticsEurope, the trade association representing the plastic manufacturers in Europe.

A founding member of VinylPlus®, ECVM is committed to sustainable development, and to address and promote health safety and environmental best practices over the PVC life cycle.

Besides PVC4Pipes, ECVM has two other value chain platforms: PVC4Pipes for PVC in piping systems and PVC4Cables for PVC in cables.