Medical Tubing & Catheters 2024


09/04/2024 - 10/04/2024    
All Day

The PVCMed Alliance is delighted to give two presentations at the 5th Medical Tubing and Catheters conference on 9-10 April, Düsseldorf, Germany.

On April 9, Project Leader Ole Grøndahl Hansen will delve into the future of medical PVC by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the recent ECHA investigation report on PVC and its additives. His presentation will go beyond just examining the ECHA report’s findings; Hansen will offer insights into the implications for the use of PVC in medical applications. Hansen will also touch upon alternative materials, with a focus on assessing their viability and performance compared to PVC in medical products.

On April 10, Communications Manager Tobias Johnsen will present PVC recycling initiatives to reduce the environmental burden of medical plastics. The discussion on the current initiatives for the collection and recycling of DEHP-free PVC is being coupled with an examination of the comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment, aimed at evaluating the CO2 savings achievable through mechanical PVC recycling. Additionally, there’s an ongoing exploration into the recyclability of flexible PVC, focusing on its capacity to withstand multiple thermal cycles. These areas of focus are crucial for understanding the environmental impact and sustainability of PVC recycling within the healthcare sector.

Programme and registration.